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Extended lore

Theristis lore

You open the old

Extented lorebook

You do not have to follow this lore, you can set your Theristis in your universe and your underworld! This is just how I imagine my world!

This is not finished yet, more lore will be added~

Disclaimer: The Species includes topics of Death, Bones, and Greek Mythology (esp. around The Underworld and Hades)

The underworlds

The underworlds exist simultaneously as our worlds; time flows more slowly there. One hour here is one whole day there, so all the souls can be collected and brought into the underworlds.

There are three worlds with their ruling gods sharing their names with them. They are substantial flying islands surrounded by portals and nothingness.

Each world has one capital with the headquarters of the gods and their entourage. Besides these worlds, there exists an infinite space to play for souls outside of time.


Six world portals surround hades world. From each gate, a river leads to the capital - Aidoneus. The ferrymen transport souls from the portals to the Asphodel Fields on these rivers, but only those with a proper burial and a coin or beloved possession to pay them. Here they will become shadowy memories of their past life, and when they connect with the ground, their soul will travel to a place below the fields - the city of dreamers. 

The city of dreamers is a chaotic place build-out of colorful, quirky buildings, plazas, and gardens. All those souls remembered by living beings can live a little longer together. They don’t need to sleep, eat, or breathe and enjoy parties, festivals, and more. But if they are being forgotten, they are getting tired and weak, and eventually, they will turn into shadows ones more and leave the worlds for good.

In the heart of the world above stands Aidoneus, the principal capital of Hades. The buildings mix ancient greek architecture and modern technology - big, old palaces with touchscreens and microwaves. 

Hade's headquarters is the greatest Palast; from afar, it looks like a skyscraper, but getting closer, it takes the shape of numerous ancient temples on top of each other uniquely and artistically. Here he writes work schedules, gives his employees offices, and reigns over the city and beyond. The temple has a thousand doors to rooms that should be kept closed…


Tartarus is a world of fire and stone with screaming souls and endless suffering. The most corrupted souls, evil, and cruel will suffer in his world for good—the worst perpetrators, destined to endure punishments fitting their earthly crimes in their heads eternally.

But cruel souls aren’t the only beings in this world. Gaseous monsters created by fumes of fire and tortured souls roam over the land to the world portals. They start small as a mouse, but they can grow into skyscraper-tall creaturs when they get into the living world. Unseen by the living, the whispers can attach themselves to beings, feet of their happiness, and grow. They start to whisper evil thoughts into their ears, so the being gets sadder and sadder, and feet more until the beings do not want to live any longer. Suicide is not a natural thing. The whispers are the cause of it, and if a being gets talked into suicide, the beast will eat their soul before it can get collected. It grows and, in some cases, can lure over whole cities and make people feel sick and sad. 

Tartarus not only makes dead souls crazy but also living ones. His capital is a castle made of stone, fire, and bones, filled with luring creatures and evil spirits.


Flying cities in an endless sky of pastel colors - Elysian is Paradies. In their world, heroic and extraordinary souls can live happily ever after. They can visit one of the festival cities or create their own perfect flying island. Does a soul want to have a flying elephant that shoots out rainbows? No problem! Ever wanted to live inside a painting? Can do!

Souls can summon copies of people they love and live with them in harmony. They can even ask to be reincarnated and sent back to their world for another, hopefully extraordinary, life.

Elysians capital is the most significant flying monument in this world. A palaced out of gold and opal, filled with flowers and greens. Since Elysian can make anything happen, they don't need technology in any form. They need to think of something, and it appears.

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three gods, one Game

The game for Souls


Soul Game
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